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Meet Davide Vessoli – Sales Manager Axelent Italy

How are things in Italy – with the pandemic situation and the consequences it brings?
This pandemic has changed everything and everyone, in private and in people’s work life. Moreover, it did so in a "democratic" way, without differentiating social class, status, beliefs or age. It has been a situation that no one wants to get used to. Meeting people, hugging our loved ones, socializing ... things that we took for granted, are today close to zero.  

As far as Axelent Italy is concerned, the pandemic has made a great impact on the way we can communicate with our customers and potential customers. The development of using digital channels has gone extremely quick – we use digital meetings, we communicate through social media. A way that I believe will be a standard also in the future.

How did you get in contact with Axelent for the first time?
I joined Tecnel System in 2005, the retailer of Axelent products in Italy at that time. I then got to know the products and the people in the organization. Before that, I did not have the slightest idea what safety mesh wall were.

You have been working for Axelent for quite some time - what has your career journey been like and what has made you stay so long?
A feature that I have always noticed and appreciated in Axelent is the frequent professional growth and the possibilities that the company gives and creates for each of its coworkers that want to stand out and grow professionally. That was the case for me, despite the fact that the collaboration began through a multi-brand dealer and not directly.

Nevertheless, after 9 years as area manager, I was given the opportunity to create what is today Axelent Italy, with the difficulties that a new experience like this contains. For so long you say? Yes now 15 years has gone by! I had no children nor was I married when I started my career at Axelent.

Jokes aside, at Axelent I feel like home, stimulated, respected and empowered. I have excellent personal relationships with many of those I interact with and Axelent's dynamism, it’s constant growth and development are certainly the elements that have made all these years go by almost without realizing it.

How would you describe an ordinary day at work?
Obviously, before the pandemic the work was mainly visiting customers, driving kilometers after kilometers. One or two days a week, I was in the office, coordinating and developing the various projects in place.Now everything is different, now the telephone and e-mails have become even more indispensable (not that before they were little). Time spent in the office is prevalent now. Not always easy for someone who normally is travelling around meeting people. 

What do you like most about your job?
I believe the adrenaline in achieving the goals I set for myself. But not only that: obviously the relationship with customers, the respect and trust they place in me is fuel to do better and better.Last but not least, the relationship with colleagues: harmony, mutual exchange of advice, experiences, and support in difficult moments. ... all things I really appreciate.

What is most challenging for you in your job?
In general, for those who do this type of activity, I think it is getting back into the game day after day. Without ever relying on old successes, each win must be followed by a new goal to be achieved, possibly even more ambitious!Personally, I must admit that delegating some activities is difficult for me, but it is necessary.

What characterizes a typical Axelent-person?
Definitely a person who wants to be the protagonist! Protagonist of its success, of the results obtained with its team, of the solutions found for its customers.

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